Diamond freckles

 Diamond Freckles
Across the bridge of her nose lie tiny ginger freckles, a spotted rainbow arching over her cheeks. I used to count them, one by one, as she sucked her toddler thumb. The years passed and the speckled rainbow melted into the roundness of her face. I wrote her a poem about the magic hidden in each spot, tokens from the heavens spread across her face like a paintbrush dipped in watercolor. Her cherubic chubby face, irresistible even to immortals. The rust colored freckles matched her copper hair, each golden strand flecked with strings of fire.

There are too many freckles now to count. They dot her rose colored skin from head to toe, a Pollock-like masterpiece. Genetics and sunshine collaborating to produce a portrait of perfect pigmentation She responds to her nickname of “Freckle Face” with a smile. She adores her imperfections, says, “Stars are the sky’s freckles, my freckles are my stars.”


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